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Legal Notice & General Terms and Conditions






Site published by Naomi Sioufi and Charles Fricker


Business name: Charles Fricker (Entrepreneur Individuel)


Registered with the RCS of Bordeaux -SIRET : 842037459 00018


Registered office: 34 avenue Jean Macé, 33700, Mérignac


Email: contact(at)tento-art(dot)com



Site hosting


This site is hosted by OVH:


The domain name is hosted by OVH:


OVH SAS - RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045


Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.



Personal data


The personal data collected on the site is used solely for the purpose of managing orders and sending commercial information issued by TENTÖ. No personal information is passed on to third parties.



Protection of content


This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, whether for texts or images. Reproduction of all or part of this site on paper or electronic media is authorised solely for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. In this respect, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialisation, in part or in full, by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is prohibited without the prior written authorisation of TENTÖ, with the exception of the exceptions set out in article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, on pain of constituting an infringement of copyright and/or designs and models and/or trademarks, punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of €152,449.02.


Tentö reserves the right to modify or correct the content of its site at any time and without prior notice.






The person making an online purchase on the site declares that he/she is of legal age in the country in which he/she resides, and that he/she has the legal capacity or parental authorisation to place an order on the Site. When registering their personal data during the validation of the order or the creation of their account, the latter must ensure the accuracy of the mandatory data they provide. In the event of an error in the recipient's details, TENTÖ shall not be held responsible for any non-delivery of the product.



2.1 The prices indicated in euros are inclusive of all taxes but exclude delivery costs. Shipping costs are indicated when the Client places the order and before payment is made.


2.2 In the event of a request for delivery abroad, customs duties, local taxes, import duties or state taxes may be payable. These duties and sums are not the responsibility of TENTÖ and are the sole responsibility of the buyer.


2.3 TENTÖ may revise its prices at any time, but the products will be invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time the orders are registered.



3.1 All orders automatically imply full acceptance of the present conditions of sale. They may not be modified by any contrary additions made by the customer on the order forms, regardless of when they may have been brought to the attention of TENTÖ.


3.2 Validation of any online order implies acceptance by the Internet user of the entirety of the general terms and conditions, who thereby acknowledges having fully understood them. This acceptance will consist of the Internet user checking the box corresponding to the following sentence: "I have read the general terms and conditions of sale and accept them unreservedly". This ticking of the box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature on the part of the Internet user.

3.3 The customer will have the opportunity, before definitively confirming his/her order, to check its details and total price, and to correct any errors, before confirming it to express his/her acceptance. Any order confirmed by the Customer constitutes a sales contract and acceptance of all the stipulations herein. TENTÖ undertakes to send the Customer an e-mail confirming all the elements of the order, before the order is dispatched. The customer is therefore required to provide a valid e-mail address when registering.



4.1 Payment for orders placed with TENTÖ is made by credit card. Credit cards accepted are CB, MasterCard and Visa. The data recorded by the Stripe credit card payment system constitutes proof of the financial transactions.

4.2 Payment is secured by SSL protocol.


 5.1 Products ordered are dispatched on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the delivery times shown on TENTÖ's order form are given as an indication only. Any delays do not give the customer the right to cancel the order, to refuse it or to claim damages.

5.2 TENTÖ cannot be held responsible for the consequences of late delivery.



6.1 TENTÖ undertakes to refund or exchange products that do not correspond to the order. The request must be made within 7 working days of delivery by email to: Any claim made outside this period will not be accepted. Products must be returned to TENTÖ in the condition in which they were received, in their original packaging, within 7 working days following the sending of this email.

6.3 Shipping costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the invoiced rate, as well as out-of-pocket return costs, if the return is justified by a quality defect or non-conformity with the order.

6.4 Works are sold as represented on the site, TENTÖ cannot be held responsible for any slight differences that may exist between the image displayed on the site and the reality of the product.



​7.1 For any information or question, our customer service is at your disposal by email: contact(at)tento-art(dot)com, via the contact form or via Instagram instant messenger @tentö

7.2 Returns are accepted for purchases in France only. Only in the event of a product defect or order error. 


7.3 Deadlines for return requests: 7 days from receipt of purchase. Refund within 3 days of receipt of return by Tentö.


7.4 Exchange possible, shipping costs at customer's expense. Please contact us for exchange requests.




All texts, comments, works, illustrations and images reproduced on the site are reserved under copyright and intellectual property law worldwide. As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, they may only be used for private purposes, subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use constitutes an infringement and is punishable under the Intellectual Property Code unless prior authorization has been obtained from TENTÖ. Total or partial reproduction of the TENTÖ catalog is strictly forbidden.



TENTÖ undertakes not to divulge to third parties the information you provide. This information is confidential. It will only be used by its internal services to process your order and to reinforce and personalize communication and the cultural and product offer reserved for the Gallery's customers, in particular through the newsletters to which you have subscribed, as well as to personalize the site according to your centers of interest.

To unsubscribe from the newsletter, please send an e-mail to contact(at)tento-art(dot)com.
All payment details are the responsibility of the secure Paypal service and Banque Populaire.



The present contract is subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the present contract shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of PARIS.

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