Artist Painter

Thanks to a family that practices the art of painting and sculpture, Clément was able to start experimenting with his creativity at a very young age without shyness. His choice of studies put him on the path to his own graphic writing. So, all he had to do was work on this sensitivity, express graphically what attracts him at a glance and animate this passion for sharing with his peers.
Speaking of the eye, for him the look is the central element of the current projects he designs. Whether it is visible or not to the viewer, he wants the look to be the centerpiece of his work. When the eye is present, it catches you, it sends you emotions, and when the eye is not there, you are intrigued.
In his pictorial work, Clément attaches great importance to the composition of color. He perceives through colors expressions such as kindness, joy that explode in each situation. Colors are the expression of the soul of each being and we must know how to reveal their beauty.
On the technical side he does not want to stick to a style but to explore it, to provoke it to go further. He likes to make mistakes because it confronts him with accidents that can give another perspective to the work.